Your remote team in Eastern Europe
Don’t overpay for outsourcing or outstaffing, choose our turnkey solution.
We build efficient engineering teams that are managed directly by you.
Did you know you can hire three Senior developers in Eastern Europe for the same cost of one developer in Silicon Valley?
How It Works
Intake call to fully understand your needs
Providing market analysis of the availability of talent, the estimated salary ranges and the time to hire
Setting up legal and administrative processes
Working on the brand presence
Sourcing and interviewing candidates
Help with onboarding of newcomers
Ongoing Account Manager support
Why Choose Equally Talent?
Hire fast. First hires in 2-4 weeks
Reasonable prices. We provide a cost effective turnkey solution comparing to outsourcing or outstaffing
Extensive expertise. We combine 10+ years of experience in a field to build R&D from scratch. With certified recruiters and best-in-class lawyers in Eastern Europe.
Direct management. You will have full access to your office and team. Bring your values, goals and share the product vision directly.
Transparency. We take care of your confidentiality to ensure the highest level of security and legal protection for our clients.
Case Study

- Leia Inc
- Series C
- Display technology
- California, USA
Leia Inc. is the leading provider of Lightfield hardware and content services.
To build a dedicated team of skilled developers in Ukraine from scratch and set up legal and administrative processes.
Key Successes
- Hires made in the first two months: 6
- Total hires: 22
- Job function: Engineering Manager, HR Operations Manager, Frontend Team Lead, QA, CV and ML Software Engineer and other Senior Software Engineers (C++, Android, Unity 3D)
- Levels: Lead, Senior, Midlevel